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Get Instant Quote and coverage in 10 minutes

There are many risks in the first responder life style, but your family's financial wellbeing should not be one of those risks. Life insurance is alot more affordable than most people think. One of the first things my husband did when he became a police officer was to get his life insurance squared away. This gave him peace of mind that despite his dangerous job, we would be cared for financially if he didn't make it home one day.


As a wife to a first responder, I am passionate about ensuring everyone has the insurance they need to protect their loved ones. And as a life insurance broker I can find coverage that fits your needs and your budget. 


As a general rule of thumb, if you have dependents, you want approximately 10-12 times your annual salary in life insurance. Your employer typically doesn't get close to that amount.


Fill out the contact form below and I will help you find life insurance that fits your budget. 


Applying usually only takes a few minutes and then you can have your policy and peace of mind that your loved ones will be cared for in your absence. 


This matters. Take a few minutes to get your family protected! They are worth it.

Get a Quote

Enter your information below and we will reach out to you ASAP to give you a quote!

Or Get an Instant Quote and Apply for coverage in 10 minutes 




Life insurance broker
First responder spouse
Financial Coach

Thanks! I'll be in touch in 24-48 hours. Keep a look out for a call/text from me (951) area code.

Companies We Work With


As a life insurance broker I work with over 30+ insurance carriers and am able to shop around and find the best product for you for the best price. As someone who is passionate about protecting families and saving you money, I will always do my best to find you something to fit your budget.

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